Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hello world!
I've never been one to blog, figuring I'll never have the time to post, but I'm willing to try :) I have been crafting all my life since my family is very creative so I have been immersed in this world from the very beginning. Mostly, I craft just for myself but this past Christmas I launched into the long and vigorous project of cross stitching my entire family personalized Christmas ornaments.
After an absence from crafting, since I got so caught up in school, my inspiration was revived through a monstrous cleaning of my closet. I had forgotten how much craft supplies I had! I dabble in every genre of crafts, rarely sticking to just one and mostly making what I like whenever I feel like doing it. Or have the time to do it :)
I hope to update this little blog as often as I can :)
Until next time crafters!

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