Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Anniversary Card!

My next craft is for my wonderful boyfriend since our three month (in my book, a year and seven month in his) anniversary is tomorrow:) I decided to make him a homemade card in purple, since it is his favorite color.
I didn't have any card stock so I used regular scrapbook paper with a few stickers and pop outs I had laying around. I also don't have any glue dots so I made it 3-D using foam stickers, haha. I'm very resourceful! My favorite part is either the tag with the ribbon or maybe how it opens with the overlap.
I find it's much prettier than my Valentine's Day one for chemistry, haha, maybe because I put more love in this one ;)
As always, any thoughts or constructive criticism is highly welcomed! :)
Keep craftin'!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hello Crafters!
So my first craft I'm putting on my new blog is a card I had to make for my Chemistry class. It had to look like a Valentine card and then filled with valentine related chemistry things, which I haven't done yet since it's very hard. The only one I've thought of so far is: You have a heart of Au. Please, let me know if you can think of any others :)
Anyways, I personally don't like it but I'm new at this and I'm sure (I hope) I get better with practice. I just used any crafty stuff I found in my stash. I am really open to criticism and any tips or help you can offer, please!
I have an obsession with glitter! But I have to ask anyone who can answer: how do you stop it from getting everywhere?! I think one of my favorite crafts supplies is this little tower of glitter in a rainbow of colors :)
Until next time, keep craftin'! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hello world!
I've never been one to blog, figuring I'll never have the time to post, but I'm willing to try :) I have been crafting all my life since my family is very creative so I have been immersed in this world from the very beginning. Mostly, I craft just for myself but this past Christmas I launched into the long and vigorous project of cross stitching my entire family personalized Christmas ornaments.
After an absence from crafting, since I got so caught up in school, my inspiration was revived through a monstrous cleaning of my closet. I had forgotten how much craft supplies I had! I dabble in every genre of crafts, rarely sticking to just one and mostly making what I like whenever I feel like doing it. Or have the time to do it :)
I hope to update this little blog as often as I can :)
Until next time crafters!