So for V-Day I made an abundance of crafts to give to my mother and to my boyfriend, but I only managed to get a picture of a few before I gave them away, oops. Still, I had a lot of fun making them and they both loved what they received. I've always said that a homemade gift is worth so much more than anything you can buy, and it means so much more as well.
In this little box that I've stuffed with red tissue paper, is a necklace for my boyfriend. It's very simple, I used an old skeleton key I had found years ago and tied some white ribbon to it for the chain. He adores it:)
This little craft is made from an old chicken bouillon cube jar that I filled with a bunch of origami paper stars that I made. I just adorned it with a few little accessories and the top reads: "Now that I have you, I don't nee to wish upon any more stars, so I'm giving them to you."
The final craft I managed to get a picture of was the card I made my bf for Valentine's Day. I was inspired by this card. It tok me awhile but I love it none the less:)
What did everyone else craft for this very special holiday? I'd love to know what everyone else made for their special someones :) And as always, critiques and comments are gladly accepted, thank you:)
Until next time, keep craftin'!